Łańcuch WOX

Clean, tidy and hard-working.

This stainless steel lifting chain is made from high-grade stainless steel, with a load capacity that is 25 % higher than that of G5 lifting chains. The chains are tested at 100 % of their load capacity, which is an impressive 12,000 kg! The chain is electrically welded for an extra-clean finish, stamped and with a higher resistance to acids and caustics than the standard lifting chains G8, G10 and G12. The chain is guaranteed to be compatible with the Connex CWI links, with dimensions that are similar to DIN 5687-1 and EN 818‑2. The stamp makes the chains clearly identifiable.

The WOX chain is particularly suited for use in water and wastewater applications. It can also be used in connection with chemicals and food products; however, restrictions will apply.

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Tabela specyfikacji

Łańcuch WOX Code / Type Nominal diameter dn
Standard delivery length
Pitch t
inside width b1 min.
outside width b2 max.
load capacity
Breaking force
Measurement Image WOX 4-5 4 - 12 6,50 15 320 12,60 0,34
WOX 4-6 4 50 12 5,80 14,80 400 16 0,40
WOX 5-6 5 50 15,10 7,50 18,50 630 25 0,61
WOX 6-6 6 50 18 8 21,50 900 37,50 0,88
WOX 7-6 7 50 21 9,50 25,20 1.250 50 1,19
WOX 8-6 8 50 24 10,80 28,60 1.600 63 1,53
WOX 8-6 D 8 50 24 10,80 28,60 1.600 63 1.530,00
WOX 10-6 10 50 30 13,50 36 2.500 100 2,40
WOX 10-6 D 10 50 30 13,50 36 2.500 100 2.400,00
WOX 13-6 13 25 39 17,50 46,80 4.250 170 4,05
WOX 16-6 16 25 48 21,50 57,60 6.300 250 6,00
WOX 20-5 20 - 60 27 72 8.000 314 9,29
WOX 26-4+ 26 - 78 35 93,60 12.000 471 16,20


WOX 10-6

WOX 13-6

WOX 16-6

WOX 20-5

WOX 26-4+

WOX 4-6

WOX 5-6

WOX 6-6

WOX 7-6

WOX 8-6